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Corporate culture


Today, facing the profound changes in the internal and external environment of the company, the Group actively adapt to the market situation, put forward the corporate purpose of "unlimited creation, the pursuit of excellence", adhering to the corporate philosophy of "sharing with all", taking "creating vitality for the city and creating value for the society" as the corporate mission, closely combining the Group's "diversified" development strategy. Profound reflection and systematic sorting of culture have been carried out, forming a cultural concept system on the road of the new journey.

Corporate culture reflects the social responsibility of private enterprises, is the internal driving force for sustainable development, is the ideal blueprint for the struggle, and is the pursuit that must be established to fulfill the solemn mission. The core of corporate culture is the value standard and basic belief that must be jointly believed and always adhered to, is the general principle of the group's operation and management activities, and is the business philosophy that must be followed to realize the vision. It is the team temperament and spiritual outlook that all should have, and it is the extension of the ideological level of employees.

Enterprise vision

Lead a better city life

Corporate culture reflects the social responsibility of private enterprises, is the internal driving force for sustainable development, is the ideal blueprint for the struggle, and is the pursuit that must be established to fulfill the solemn mission. The core of corporate culture is the value standards and basic beliefs that must be jointly believed in and always adhered to.



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